Thursday, March 13, 2014

1st Marking period checklist

Update your Powerpoint with a conclusion slide of what you learned in the past 5 weeks.

1: Business Card 
2: Multimedia Essay
3: Photoshop Filters
4: Postcard via Photoshop Layers
5a: Opacity
5b: Photoshop coloring with Fill function
5c: Black & White with color tints
6a: Gradient (chick)
6b: Gradient Creation (3 gradient options + 1 brush stamp)
6c: Cover for PowerPoint

Mid-Final: Powerpoint of assignment 1-6c

************ "Tutorial Board ***********
7: Glass Text Effect of your first name
8: Photo-filled text effect of your Last name
9: Plastic texture text effect of your Last name with Class of 20 _ _
10Test "Crazy" text effect of your first name 
Final Powerpoint Create & upload to your own blog.

March 13, 2014 - Happy 25 birthday to WEB! 

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