Thursday, February 27, 2014

6 (a) Gradient Chick (b) your own creation (c) powerpoint cover!

What are the names and function of each button of the Photoshop tool bar? see answer1 
more about tool bar...

6A: Explore Gradient tool - draw a gradient Chick

Open a new Photoshop file 6"x4" 100 resolution

click on the gradient tool with the "radial gradient" mode

then select the " foreground color to transparent mode"

choose "Yellow" for the body of the Chick

from the center of your canvas draw a radius to decide how big your Chick will be.

continue at this setting and change the color to WHITE to draw the eyes.

Change tool to brush and set the color to black and then dot the Iris/Pupil of the eyes.

Back to gradient tool and choose the "diamond gradient" to create the beak.

Draw in the missing feet with the brush tool.

Lastly choose the stamping option and choose #134 for the grass... (color of the grass can be set to green at this point).

Add text to complete the project.

Save as .PSD and .JPEG and send as attachment.
6B: Create your own drawing using the gradient tools and stamping tools.

Use the other gradient tool options (3 out of 5)
and Stamping tool

Be creative!

6C: Cover for the powerpoint.
Open a new File with the following dimension 6" x 4"  with 300 resolution in a white background.

Also make sure your foreground and background color are set to black and white color
goto Window menu and select layers to toggle the layer window 

Duplicate the layer by right clicking the background layer.
goto Filter and choose Render --> FIBER set the Variance to 40 and Strength of 4
then another Filter choosing Blur --> Motion Blur with Angle of 90 and distance of 999
your pciture should have "streaks"

Goto Blending mode (by right clicking on the layer) 
check gradient overlay of rainbow with 0 degrees 
don't forget to overlay the gradient over the "streaks"

Finally, input the text of your name's 1st Marking Period Multimedia Portfolio TZS101-02,5,6,8 (choose your period) check off outer glow and others effects you like for the fonts.

save in .PSD and then .JPEG add as the first slide to your Powerpoint.

PDF the powerpoint and send in for the 50% of your report card :-) if you want 100% make sure its submitted by today!

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