Monday, February 10, 2014

4: Postcard (Photoshop Layers)

Part 1: making a collage
********************************************************************************* Due 2-12-14 ****
Step 1: Find 9 pictures online about your birthplace... save it in your folder.

Step 2: Open Photoshop and create a new document [Ctrl+N]with the following specs. 
6 " x 4" with 200 Resolution

Step 3: Open the a picture on the side and the do the following: Ctrl+A (select all) Clrt + C (Copy)
Step 4: Select the the Postcard document and Ctrl+V (Paste) your picture into the postcard. 
            Apply (Transformation) Ctrl+ T to adjust the size to fit. 

Step 5: Save your collage as .PSD and .jpg ( what is .PSD?)
Part 2: Adding a title banner in Photoshop
Step 6: Open another new file size W= 6" H=1" resolution with a 
             background color that contrast your collage. 
  ...... like if your collage is mostly ocean blue you might choose red as a contrasting color.

Step 7: Select an opposite color to your foreground color then click on " T " for text to add your title
             save as Title. JPG. close the file 

Step 8: Open the Collage.PSD from Yesterday & the new Title .jpg -  you should have 2 tabs now... copy the Title.jpg into the collage.

Step9: Use Magic wand (4th button down) to select the text and then Delete to let the collage show through....

Step 10: Send the final document with 10 layers as .PSD and JPG to complete this assignment. 

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