Tuesday, December 8, 2015

22: 3D blocks #1-12

22: count each "diamond" box as 1 foot 
recreate each of the following blocks with the correct measurement.                               
12/8/15 = block # 1 ... 12/9/15= block # 2... 12/10/15 = block # 3... 12/11/15 = Block # 4
12/14/15 = block # 5 &6 ... 12/15/15 = block # 7 & 8... 
12/16/15 = block # 9 & 10... 12/17/15= block # 11 & 12  
12/18/15  QUIZ => Quiz email to mcsm3d@gmail.com
you may want to save this diagram on your desktop "count" the "Diamonds" easily. ask for a hard copy if that's easier for you.

go under window and click on instructor if you get stuck with a tool button.

getting the precise measurement:
after you set the view needed to draw the face of the block. click on line tool and then type in the dimension box (lower right corner) to type in the desired measurement. For example if you want a vertical line that is 5 feet tall, then type 5' (' = feet). 
(click on a starting point and move your mouse towards the direction you want the line to draw...then type the measurement. like block #1 =LxWxH of 8'x 5'x5')

Monday, December 7, 2015

3rd marking period - Google Sketch UP (3D)

Now we are done with graphic design (illustrator) and photo edit (Photoshop)

we will be trying out what software the Engineers might use in their job.

3rd marking period
  #21 a b c  (due today) answer these question in your blog
3D CUBE has how many sides? list them
(L x W x H ) what color lines (axes) is used in the software to represent them?
Introduction to Google Sketch Up .... you can download your own version! Google SketchUp 
----->V............Look for the red staircase on your desktop

Assignment 21 A: Set the screen to front view & 
Practice with the basic tools. Export to JPG to upload into the blog.
set in front view then draw the shapes #21A followed by the "push & pull" tool for the 3D Objects #21B
Now you ready to try and draw your own name in "bubble letter" for #21C

when you are done email all files .skp & Jpeg 
with the correct subject: 
TZS11-02,5,6,8 Your Period / Name #21 a b and c

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Parent communication # 6 - and wrap up test questions.

#20 Wireless Phone (test) due 12-2-15 last day of the marking period

When you are done with the test you can work on the extra credit living room ...

email jpg daily and post on blog...
day 1 - Step 1 to 8   (test on shapes, gradient and stroke)                  



about day 1- what shapes did you make on day 1 and what treatment did you add to these shapes. How did you create a "smaller copy"?
about day 2 - what pathfinder tools did you use with the different shapes to create the function buttons.
about day 3 - more buttons were created. the round menu button and the number key pad... what function was used to created the gradient ring? how did you "copy" the other number keys after the first one?
about day 4 - to give the illusion of a depressed speaker we created this _____ to redefine the topography of the OVAL. then we use the _____ shape(s) to create a mic for this phone.

what parts of the test did you have to ask Miss Wang? what did you do to solve the problem?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

2nd Marking Period... click on hashtag for instruction

Learn to code: https://code.org/learn

Here's all of Photoshop & Illustrator assignments (click on the hashtag #)
#11: Club Flyer from scratch on Oct 21, 2015
#12: Adding Texture via Layers
#13: Change one thing Poster from NYC Food Bank
#14: Jack O' Lantern Oct 30 2015
#15a & b: Creating a "Painted" effect on wall then face. Nov 6, 2015
#16: Smart Filtering with Motion Blur
#17: Quick Masking to add a desire effect
#18: Soft Filtering Skin tones.
^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^ 2nd Marking Period ^V^V^V^V^V^
Adobe Illustrator
#19: USB Drive
19B: start with the BASIC RGB artboard (canvas) 550px x 550 px

Draw out the options both line and shape tool offers....

Use the line toolor the shape tool to create your the letters... you have to come up with your own way of drawing 2D.

draw rectangles to equate the number of letters in your LAST Name...

Have fun!


19C: preparation for phone project... Create a handout for yourself to use on the Test..

#20 Wireless Phone (test) due 11-30-15 last day of the marking period

When you are done with the test you can work on the extra credit living room ...

We learned how to create an image of objects by combining and/or take away different shapes.
Now you will be tested on your ability to create this Wireless Phone.  

New document 600 px X 800 px with RGB setting
day 1 - Step 1 to 8   (test on shapes, gradient and stroke)                  
 Happy Thanksgiving =) 



Monday, October 26, 2015

end of week #2 of 2nd Marking period

# 14 Jack-0-Lantern due Oct 30, 2015
write YOUR NAME's Jack-o-lantern 2015

once you are done send in .JPG and .PSD with your blog URL.

Update your blog... print out Parent communication #4 (11-14) and get signature by Monday (Nov 2, 2015)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week #2 : PTC & # 12: Texture via layers & 13: Change one thing Poster

#11: Flyer from scratch of "STEM Career workshop"... due 10/22/15
did you create your blog yet? we are replacing the Powerpoint with blog.

#12: Adding Texture via Layers  due 10/23/15

Click on the hash tag # for the instruction...
submit .psd & .jpg with blog link to your summary to complete this project.

Do now: make a QR code for your poster... put your own on the top corner of your Poster.
example: http://tzs101.blogspot.com/ = 

#13: Change one thing Poster from NYC Food Bank due 10/26/15

day 1: find a junk food and a healthy food alternative.... (follow instruction from assignment 12)

day 2: create Poster - New file size 5" width x 7" height at 300 resolution 

add your text like the examples.(headline, reason for change...)

day 3: add logo and text like the original poster...

submit .psd & .jpg with blog link to your summary to complete this project.

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Using what you learned from assignment #12 think about how you can mimic the official Poster from Food Bank NYC's EATWISE Program for Teens. learn more at http://eatwiseteens.org/  or go tohttp://www.foodbanknyc.org

Identify the different elements that make it Multimedia… what PS effect do you see in the official poster from Food Bank
To get a 100 on this assignment you must:
state the background - Solid or gradient?
how you created the "new" food?
correctly identify the type of blending options used in this poster.
and research the benefit of the Healthy food for your main headline; sub-headline.

Lastly add a disclaimer for the use of the NYC FOOD BANK logo. post this on your summary:
The NYC FOOD BANK Logo was used solely for educational purpose. No Copy Right infringement was intended.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Transferring your powerpoint to online blogging.

Now we are done with 10 assignments, lets POST your work on a blog.

you should have shared your finalized .pptx with me already. if not send .pdf as attachment.

then Convert (save as) all slides to .JPG ( you will have a folder with 18 slides).

we are using Google Blogger to do this.  (sign in with your gmail acct.)

follow direction to create a new BLOG... title it with your name's Multimedia portfolio.

make your own website address or URL... send URL to me.
if you are ahead...

#11 Club Flyer
Open a NEW file either 7" x 5" or 5"x 7" depending if you want a vertical or horizontal orientation. 100dpi

make a flyer about your club... 


then answer the
WHO: You or your classmates
WHAT: Club name
WHEN: Time of club meeting time
WHERE: Room you meet in
WHY: your reason

write then out in the 3 out of the 4 different text styles we learned from 1st marking period.

add a graphic to finish. send .PSD & .JPG with your blog URL in the body of the email...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Update and reflect on what your learn this marking period

what do your think you will be getting in this class?

-were you attending everyday on time, and on time with the assignments?
-did you learn everything that was taught in the class? if you did the test was too easy....

update  your powerpoint with all the assignments and reflection summaries... upload to Google Drive and share with Ms. Wang

E.c. goto send mail... search " mcsm3d@gmail.com"
       send a screen shot of your emails.... what date you submit all the assignment... to check if they were on time....

1st marking period check list

1: Business Card 
2: Multimedia Essay
3: Photoshop Filters
4: Postcard via Photoshop Layers
5a: Opacity
5b: Photoshop coloring with Fill function
5c: Black & White with color tints
6a: Gradient (chick)
6b: Gradient Creation (3 gradient options + 1 brush stamp)
6c: Cover for PowerPoint

Mid-Final: Powerpoint of assignment 1-6c

************ "Tutorial Board ***********
7: Glass Text Effect of your first name
8: Photo-filled text effect of your Last name
9: Plastic texture text effect of your Last name with Class of 20 _ _
10: Test "Crazy" text effect of your first name 
Final Powerpoint Create & upload to your own blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

7-10: Photoshop text effects

goto tutorialboard.net

choose photoshop basics
then text effects.
 assignment #7-10

Archive for 'Text Effects'

# 7: Due 10/08/15 >>> http://www.tutorialboard.net/photoshop-glass-text-effect/

Photoshop Glass Text Effect

Hello and welcome to another free Adobe Phtotoshop tutorial, today we are going to create a Photoshop Glass Text Effect. We are going to demonstrate how you can achieve in just a couple of steps a Photoshop Glass Text Effect only using layer styles, also the PSD file is available for download to copy and paste the effect.

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Update your powerpoint to slide #13 with printout for signature...Due Monday 3-9-15

Week# 5
# 8: due 10/9/15 >>>http://www.tutorialboard.net/create-eye-catching-photo-filled-titles-in-photoshop/ 

Instead of writing the 'London City' write your LAST NAME for this assignment # 8 
Create eye-catching PHOTO-FILLED TITLES in Photoshop

Create eye-catching PHOTO-FILLED TITLES in Photoshop

by .15
In this easy to follow tutorial we are going to pull off a filling text effect with a image We are going to type text and use a clipping mask to clip the photograph so that it only shows through the letters. Because the letters are on an editable type layer, you can change the text even after the letters are filled with the image.

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# 9: Due 10/13/15 >>>http://www.tutorialboard.net/plastic-text/ 

Instead of writing the 'Plastic' write your LAST NAME with your CLASS for this assignment # 9 
example:                                                         WANG 2015

How to make a Plastic Text in Photoshop CS4

Posted by .
In this tutorial, we’re going to create a Plastic Text effect using layer styles one of the coolest features of Adobe Photoshop CS4, with layer styles we can create all sorts of effects glass, plastic, ice, water, metal, and many more so without losing any more time let’s get started. You can download the PSD file at the bottom of the tutorial if you’d simply like to copy+paste the layer styles.

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1st marking period test

# 10: Due 10/16/15>>> http://www.tutorialboard.net/create-a-crazy-text-effect-using-layer-styles/

Create A Crazy Text Effect Using Layer Styles


In this tutorial we are going to create a cool text effect from ground up,by using layer styles and a couple of phtoshop filters to achieve a interesting cool looking effect. The text effect tutorials are covered many times by different tutors and photoshop related websites but with layer styles the possibility’s are endless and mastering them is the key to your success to create unique designs.

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