Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Parent communication # 6 - and wrap up test questions.

#20 Wireless Phone (test) due 12-2-15 last day of the marking period

When you are done with the test you can work on the extra credit living room ...

email jpg daily and post on blog...
day 1 - Step 1 to 8   (test on shapes, gradient and stroke)                  



about day 1- what shapes did you make on day 1 and what treatment did you add to these shapes. How did you create a "smaller copy"?
about day 2 - what pathfinder tools did you use with the different shapes to create the function buttons.
about day 3 - more buttons were created. the round menu button and the number key pad... what function was used to created the gradient ring? how did you "copy" the other number keys after the first one?
about day 4 - to give the illusion of a depressed speaker we created this _____ to redefine the topography of the OVAL. then we use the _____ shape(s) to create a mic for this phone.

what parts of the test did you have to ask Miss Wang? what did you do to solve the problem?

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