Friday, March 13, 2015

Update and reflect on what your learn this marking period

what do your think you will be getting in this class?

-were you attending everyday on time, and on time with the assignments?
-did you learn everything that was taught in the class? if you did the test was too easy....

update  your powerpoint with all the assignments and reflection summaries... upload to Google Drive and share with Ms. Wang

E.c. goto send mail... search ""
       send a screen shot of your emails.... what date you submit all the assignment... to check if they were on time....

1st marking period check list

1: Business Card 
2: Multimedia Essay
3: Photoshop Filters
4: Postcard via Photoshop Layers
5a: Opacity
5b: Photoshop coloring with Fill function
5c: Black & White with color tints
6a: Gradient (chick)
6b: Gradient Creation (3 gradient options + 1 brush stamp)
6c: Cover for PowerPoint

Mid-Final: Powerpoint of assignment 1-6c

************ "Tutorial Board ***********
7: Glass Text Effect of your first name
8: Photo-filled text effect of your Last name
9: Plastic texture text effect of your Last name with Class of 20 _ _
10: Test "Crazy" text effect of your first name 
Final Powerpoint Create & upload to your own blog.

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