Wednesday, January 6, 2016

25: Animation Button (due Friday)

In Animation : Bonus have your name light up... use the same instruction and alter to make your name glow!
this marking period use (blue color, not red) DUE Jan 8, 2014

Learn How To Create A Simple Glowing Animation
Day #1: creating the button with Aluminum effect.
Day #2: Grouping and adding the green glow
Day #3: Animating the on and off button

Learn How To Create A Simple Glowing Animation

Photoshop is a powerful tool, not only does it have the ability to edit and manipulate photos it also has the ability to animations. In this tutorial I’ll be walking you through the process of creating a simple animated glow effect. =)

next #26 showcase your phone or your favorite thing. (3 different views - front, back and side)                 Link:

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