Tuesday, December 8, 2015

22: 3D blocks #1-12

22: count each "diamond" box as 1 foot 
recreate each of the following blocks with the correct measurement.                               
12/8/15 = block # 1 ... 12/9/15= block # 2... 12/10/15 = block # 3... 12/11/15 = Block # 4
12/14/15 = block # 5 &6 ... 12/15/15 = block # 7 & 8... 
12/16/15 = block # 9 & 10... 12/17/15= block # 11 & 12  
12/18/15  QUIZ => Quiz email to mcsm3d@gmail.com
you may want to save this diagram on your desktop "count" the "Diamonds" easily. ask for a hard copy if that's easier for you.

go under window and click on instructor if you get stuck with a tool button.

getting the precise measurement:
after you set the view needed to draw the face of the block. click on line tool and then type in the dimension box (lower right corner) to type in the desired measurement. For example if you want a vertical line that is 5 feet tall, then type 5' (' = feet). 
(click on a starting point and move your mouse towards the direction you want the line to draw...then type the measurement. like block #1 =LxWxH of 8'x 5'x5')

Monday, December 7, 2015

3rd marking period - Google Sketch UP (3D)

Now we are done with graphic design (illustrator) and photo edit (Photoshop)

we will be trying out what software the Engineers might use in their job.

3rd marking period
  #21 a b c  (due today) answer these question in your blog
3D CUBE has how many sides? list them
(L x W x H ) what color lines (axes) is used in the software to represent them?
Introduction to Google Sketch Up .... you can download your own version! Google SketchUp 
----->V............Look for the red staircase on your desktop

Assignment 21 A: Set the screen to front view & 
Practice with the basic tools. Export to JPG to upload into the blog.
set in front view then draw the shapes #21A followed by the "push & pull" tool for the 3D Objects #21B
Now you ready to try and draw your own name in "bubble letter" for #21C

when you are done email all files .skp & Jpeg 
with the correct subject: 
TZS11-02,5,6,8 Your Period / Name #21 a b and c

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Parent communication # 6 - and wrap up test questions.

#20 Wireless Phone (test) due 12-2-15 last day of the marking period

When you are done with the test you can work on the extra credit living room ...

email jpg daily and post on blog...
day 1 - Step 1 to 8   (test on shapes, gradient and stroke)                  



about day 1- what shapes did you make on day 1 and what treatment did you add to these shapes. How did you create a "smaller copy"?
about day 2 - what pathfinder tools did you use with the different shapes to create the function buttons.
about day 3 - more buttons were created. the round menu button and the number key pad... what function was used to created the gradient ring? how did you "copy" the other number keys after the first one?
about day 4 - to give the illusion of a depressed speaker we created this _____ to redefine the topography of the OVAL. then we use the _____ shape(s) to create a mic for this phone.

what parts of the test did you have to ask Miss Wang? what did you do to solve the problem?