Monday, February 9, 2015

3: Photoshop Filter Photos

see where Instagram got its idea...

In this assignment we will be using Photoshop to filter your selfie, then publish your work in a blank flyer in Publisher.

First thing first 
********************* Create a folder named TZS101-0? Your Name ****************************
                                                                                                drag your files into your folder

use the photo you have from the business card to do the following. 

1. Open Adobe Photoshop 
2. from the menu FILE --> OPEN your photo 
3. FILE --> FILTERS apply filter save as the filter name 
                                                          example colored pencil.jpg

4. Step back [ctrl+Alt+z] to the original and repeat with another filter. (Repeat 7 more times... 1+7 = 8 filtered pictures in all)

you will have 8 different filtered effect photos at the end. (not including the original).
********************************************************************* Due 9-17-15 (email yourself)

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