Now we are done with graphic design (illustrator) and photo edit (Photoshop)
we will be trying out what software the Engineers might use in their job.
3rd marking period
#21 a b c (due today) answer these question in your blog
3D CUBE has how many sides? list them
(L x W x H ) what color lines (axes) is used in the software to represent them?
Introduction to Google Sketch Up .... you can download your own version!
Google SketchUp
----->V............Look for the red staircase on your desktop
Assignment 21 A: Set the screen to front view &
Practice with the basic tools. Export to JPG to upload into the blog.
set in front view then draw the shapes #21A followed by the "push & pull" tool for the 3D Objects #21B
Now you ready to try and draw your own name in "bubble letter" for #21C
when you are done email all files .skp & Jpeg
with the correct subject:
TZS11-02,5,6,8 Your Period / Name #21 a b and c