Thursday, November 5, 2015

2nd Marking Period... click on hashtag for instruction

Learn to code:

Here's all of Photoshop & Illustrator assignments (click on the hashtag #)
#11: Club Flyer from scratch on Oct 21, 2015
#12: Adding Texture via Layers
#13: Change one thing Poster from NYC Food Bank
#14: Jack O' Lantern Oct 30 2015
#15a & b: Creating a "Painted" effect on wall then face. Nov 6, 2015
#16: Smart Filtering with Motion Blur
#17: Quick Masking to add a desire effect
#18: Soft Filtering Skin tones.
^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^V^ 2nd Marking Period ^V^V^V^V^V^
Adobe Illustrator
#19: USB Drive
19B: start with the BASIC RGB artboard (canvas) 550px x 550 px

Draw out the options both line and shape tool offers....

Use the line toolor the shape tool to create your the letters... you have to come up with your own way of drawing 2D.

draw rectangles to equate the number of letters in your LAST Name...

Have fun!


19C: preparation for phone project... Create a handout for yourself to use on the Test..

#20 Wireless Phone (test) due 11-30-15 last day of the marking period

When you are done with the test you can work on the extra credit living room ...

We learned how to create an image of objects by combining and/or take away different shapes.
Now you will be tested on your ability to create this Wireless Phone.  

New document 600 px X 800 px with RGB setting
day 1 - Step 1 to 8   (test on shapes, gradient and stroke)                  
 Happy Thanksgiving =)